Our blog includes articles written by our team at Sex Life Therapy and guest writers, clinic updates and therapist introductions and information about upcoming workshops and events.
What is Sex Therapy?
Many people ask what sex therapy is. Sex therapy is counselling and therapy focused on human sexuality and its problem. In Australia, sex therapy is also referred to under number of other names: psychosexual therapy, sex counselling, and sexual health counselling. A...
Healthy Relationships Require Relationship Time
We all want to experience healthy relationships in our lives. One of the areas we often see in practice is couples who say they have a good relationship, but they cannot find the time to be alone. A relationship requires work from both parties and when we make a...
‘Gaybies’ Coming Out
Coming Out for Children of Same-Sex Attracted Parents. My son Ben was travelling home with a colleague from work and a discussion of parents came up. Eventually, he disclosed his fathers were gay and (coincidentally) his colleague disclosed her mother was lesbian. ...
Want to Make a Booking or Have a Question?
Call us on (03) 9005 5213 or email us at [email protected]



Suite 201, Level 2/1 Erskineville Rd, Newtown NSW 2042
Telephone (02) 9188 4838