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Griffox Services Pty Ltd and Dr Christopher Fox does not make warranties or guarantees about the accuracy or completeness of any information found on this website. Griffox Services Pty Ltd, Sex Life Therapy, including its proprietors, affiliates, agents and contractors will not accept any liability for any loss, damage or other injury resulting from the use of this web site.

Griffox Services Pty Ltd, Sex Life Therapy and Dr Christopher Fox does not accept any liability for any investment decisions made on the basis of the information on our web site. The information is not provided to replace professional psychosexual, general counselling, or psychotherapy. If you require assistance please contact Dr Christopher Fox or other mental health professional.

Griffox Serices Pty Ltd, Sex Life Therapy and Dr Christopher Fox reserves the right to make changes, modifications, additions, deletions and corrections to the web site, at any time and without notice. All material on this website is copyrighted to Griffox Services Pty Ltd and/or Dr Christopher Fox, unless where acknowledged. Please reference any material appropriately.

Griffox Services Pty Ltd, Sex Life Therapy and Dr Christopher Fox recognise that all external party logo’s and graphics used throughout our web site belong to the respective owners and in no way claim ownership of this material.

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Sex Life Therapy web site may at times contain links to other web sites. Griffox Services Pty Ltd, Sex Life Therapy and Dr Christopher Fox are not responsible, and does not accept any liability for the information contained on those web sites. Furthermore, an external link to another web site does not imply that Sex Life Therapy or Dr Christopher Fox endorses the products, services or information given on that web site.

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Want to Make a Booking or Have a Question?

Call us on (03) 9005 5213 or email us at [email protected] 


Mon - Thu: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Fri: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Sat - Sun: Unavailable