
Grief and Loss Counselling

Grief and Loss Counselling

Bereavement is the feeling or experience of grief when we someone close to us dies or leaves us, or when we loose something close to us. Death and is a part of life; shock, numbness, anger and sadness are a natural part of the grieving process. when grief is not unprocessed or not dealt with we can experience emotional scars and other mental health issues including depression. These can then impact on our relationships with others, work, family life and social life, and possibly our sex life as well.

    What are the Stages of Bereavement, Grief and Loss?

    Bereavement is experienced differently by different people. No one person experiences grief, loss and bereavement in the same way. There are no “stages” to bereavement: it really is a process. Yet, how you may experience these feelings/emotions is likely to be different to how another person.

    There are, however, common experiences of feelings or emotions. Initially, on hearing news of a death, or even realising we have loss something important to us, we may cry and be sad, or depressed. early in the process we may also experience shock and disbelief about the loss, whether it be a person, a pet or a valuable object. As we try to incorporate the “change” this loss means to us into our new view of the world and struggle to accept the reality of the situation we might experience denial – denial the event occurred.

    Many people feel confused when they experience anger and guilt over the loss – yet these two emotions are common experiences for many people who experience bereavement. Anger with the person for leaving us, or for loosing the object, or even at loosing the person we loved and guilt for possibly being angry at the person who has died or even for the fact we have survived.

    Depression is also common when we experience grief. Depression may not just be sadness but can also include symptoms like sleeplessness, irritability, social withdrawal, loss of motivation, changes in appetite and sometimes physical pains. During this process we begin to move towards acceptance of the loss. This does not mean that we are forgetting the person, or our pet, simply that we are accepting they are no longer in our immediate view of the world. Memories never die. Even as we begin to accept we may also experience other emotions again. Grieving is a process and when we accept and deal with the multitude of emotions involved we experience bereavement healthily.


    • Death of a loved one
    • Death of a pet
    • Miscarriage
    • Personal Injury/Illness/acquired disability
    • Redundancy or termination of employment
    • End of Relationship/separation/divorce
    • Children Moving Away


    Bereavement counselling or grief and loss counselling can help you if you are experiencing grief due to the loss of someone close to you, a miscarriage, or relationship. At Sex Life Therapy you will experience a safe space where you explore your feelings in a supportive and confidential environment. Greif and loss/bereavement counselling can assist you move through the grieving process; to understand the painful emotions; accept the loss and assist you in developing coping mechanisms and adjustments to your life.

    Grief has no time limit. each person experiences grief differently and take different amounts of time to grieve and develop an acceptance of the loss. The process can be long or short. Grief/bereavement counselling will provide support to you during this difficult time: short term or long term.


      Please call Dr Christopher us to organise a consultation for grief or loss in East Melbourne or Frankston Clinics in Melbourne.


      Various Brochures on grief @ NALAG (NSW)


      Mon: Fri 9:00 AM - 700 PM
      Sat: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
      Sun: Closed

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