
Relationship Difficulties

Relationship Difficulties

Relationships are fundamental to our wellbeing. They provide us with a sense of fulfillment and belonging. Our partners are important when we experience poor wellbeing as they provide us with the strength to get better.

When we experience dis-harmony in our relationships we feel pain, guilt, rejection and sometimes loneliness. Relationship therapy is one way of to develop better relationship behaviours, patterns and communication styles.


Relationship therapy at Sex Life Therapy provides a safe space to discuss your concerns. Through relationship you and your partner will explore patterns of relating and communication, as well as conflict styles and conflict resolution strategies. Both of you will develop an understanding of your relationship and build stronger and new loving bonds together.

I work with individuals and/or couples on relationship issues including: conflict, communication issues, mixed-matched libidos/desire, sexual difficulties/problems, affairs, and divorce. I also work with same-sex couples (gay men and lesbians), as well as the many forms of poly relationships.


Through relationship therapy you will:

  • Develop an understanding of the relationship patterns you bring to your relationship
  • Improve your interpersonal communication skills (incl. conflict management skills)
  • Develop new healthier relationship patterns
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