
Sex And Porn Addictions

Sex And Porn Addictions

Pornography and sex addictions are common issues. Not only do men form addictions to pornography and/or sex, some women do too.Sex-related addictions can be thought about as a form of issues with intimacy and/or a way for the individual to exert ‘control’ in their lives. People with sex/porn addictions often have compulsive sexual thoughts and/or behaviours. Sex/porn addicts feel that they cannot control or stop their behaviour.

Sex addictions can result from other issues or even trauma, like, low self-esteem, depression, grief and loss, financial problems, relationship problems.

Recovery for people with sex/porn addictions involves the sex therapist understanding how an individual uses these addictive behaviours as a coping mechanism. A tailored treatment plan is developed taking into consideration your personal circumstances, issues and needs. The aim of treatment is to develop skills for you to use so you gain control over the compulsions. This might include learning to control the addictive behaviour and helping the person develop a healthy sexuality through education about healthy sexuality, individual counselling, and relationship therapy.

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