Our blog includes articles written by our team at Sex Life Therapy and guest writers, clinic updates and therapist introductions and information about upcoming workshops and events.
Beating the COVID Blues
The COVID-blues, COVID-stress, COVID-anxiety and COVID-depression are all things. At least in my book. In a recent article in The Conversation Stephen Carbone and Anthony Jorm from the University of Melbourne argue we need to flatten the other curve – the mental...
Relationship Stress and the Rona Virus
Rona is here and it is affecting us all. Some of us find ourselves siting at home with partner around All. The. Time. I am not going to pretend and suggest this is easy. Then we add working from home and for others children. We have been in some form of...
Scaffold the Relationship
Scaffolding the relationship is a tool I ask couples and throuples to do to strengthen and care for the relationship. All relationships need to be scaffolded. Relationships need to be scaffolded. Sex needs to be scaffolded. Date-night even needs to scaffolded. So,...
Marriage as Human Right
Many people think of rights as constitutional rights; as right determined by the constitution. This is very much in Australians thinking because of the domination of US-based television shows and movies. Constitutional rights are only one form of right. We do have...
Anal Sex and Anal Play
Anal play and anal sex, like many sex topics are not often discussed. There are many myths about anal play: it’s immoral; it’s weird; only sluts do anal sex; anal sex is dirty; anal sex is painful; only gay men have anal sex. Spend a moment thinking about where your...
We’re Not Having Sex Anymore
In speaking with other sex therapists, the “we-are-not-having-sex-anymore” issue seems to be a common issue for couples. Friends of mine refer it to it as bed-death and explain where it as a situation where a couple have a great relationship (and are great friends)...
Want to Make a Booking or Have a Question?
Call us on (03) 9005 5213 or email us at [email protected]



Suite 201, Level 2/1 Erskineville Rd, Newtown NSW 2042
Telephone (02) 9188 4838