Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision
Professional and clinical supervision is an essential part of working therapeutically with clients. Clinical supervision is a requirement of the Society of Australian Sexologists accreditation standards.
All professional and ethical therapists have on-going formal clinical supervision to support their work in accordance with professional requirements. Clinical supervisors are experienced therapists and maintain a responsibility for the good practice of supervisees and to protect clients from harm and unethical practice.
Clinical supervision is a space for the supervisee to engage reflexively with the content and process of their client work. Through clinical supervision topics such as therapeutic techniques, therapeutic relationships, difficult problems, ethical dilemmas or issues which impact on the therapist personally as a result of the therapeutic process.
The focus in supervision is three-fold:

Introducing your Supervisor – Dr Christopher Fox
As a clinical and professional supervisor I work from a collaborative and supportive framework to facilitate the growth of the therapist. I draw on critical reflexive practice where the supervisee moves beyond reflection to engagement in self-in-therapy/therapy-in-self/therapeutic self, self-care and development as a professional. A focus on the praxis issues of practice-to-theory/theory-to-practice encourages the therapist to maintain a best-practice model drawing on evidence-based and practice-based evidence informed approaches.
My professional focus is in the areas of psychosexual therapy, sexuality, and gender diversity, as well psychological wellbeing. My theoretical orientation draws on an integrative model of psychodynamic, Berne, Adler, humanist existentialist, Rogerian and solution-focussed approaches to therapy in the main. My practice is also heavily influenced by systems (Satir, Bowen)/family and relationship therapy. I also utilise creative therapeutic approaches including storytelling, therapeutic photography, and clay/play dough. As a public health specialist and experienced community practitioner I also supervise health promotion, welfare and community development workers.
Indiviual and group sessions available
Individual Clinical Supervision Available to general counselling and psychotherapy (psychologists, social workers, OTs, counsellors, mental health practitioners) or psychosexual therapy (psychosexual/sex therapists, sexologists, sexual health counsellors) on a regular or ad-hoc basis.
Psychosexual Therapy Group Supervision is open to existing psychosexual/sex therapists/sexologists. There are in-person in Collingwood (3rd Tuesday of the month at 1630-1800 ) and online (2nd Tuesday of the month at 1600-1730) groups available. Groups are limited to six participants.
Emerging Therapist Group Supervision is aimed at recently graduate therapists (psychologists, social workers, OTs, counsellors, mental health practitioners) and therapist with less than five years practise experience. The Emerging Therapist Group Supervision will be offered in-person in Collingwood (3rd Thursday of the month at 1600-1730) and online ( 4th Thursday of the month at 1500-1730).
Outer Barcoo: Rural and Remote Supervision is a general supervision group for practitioners in rural and remotes areas of Australia. The group will focus on practise issues and practice issues with a rural and remote lens.The two-hour groups will focus on traditional supervision and add a professional development aspect as well. This is an online group. (3rd Wednesday of the month at 1430-1630). The group is limited to six participants.
My career started in rural practice and I have always maintained an interest and a connection with these areas. Practising in rural and remote Australia has unique experiences which many urban-based therapists and supervisors do not grasp.
Want to Make a Booking or Have a Question?
Call us on (03) 9005 5213 or email us at [email protected]



Suite 201, Level 2/1 Erskineville Rd, Newtown NSW 2042
Telephone (02) 9188 4838